とある新興宗教の施設。教祖様の前に小さいシスターちゃんが進み出ます。 「『穢れ』が体に溜まっていないか良く調べてみよう」教祖様はそう言うとシスターちゃんの 下腹部を弄り回します。教祖様が言うにはここに一番『穢れ』が溜まりやすいそうです。 「・・・うっ!!・・・あうぅ・・・っ!!」 シスターちゃんは必死に我慢しますが、敏感なクリトリスを執拗に弄られ、思わず声が漏れてしまいます。 そして彼女の割れ目からはうっすらと粘性のいやらしい汁がにじみ出てきてしまいます。 「こんなに『穢れ』を貯め込んで悪い娘だ。『穢れ』を取り払う儀式をしなくては。」 教祖様のお顔は下品に歪みます。 An establishment of a certain new religion. A small Sister stepped out in front of Oyasama. Oyasama says, "Let's check if there is any 'defilement' in your body. Oyasama then began to play with Sister's lower abdomen. Oyasama said that this is the place where the "filth" tends to accumulate the most. The first thing that comes to mind is that the "stain" is the one that is most likely to accumulate in this area! Ahhhh! Sister tried desperately to hold back, but her sensitive clitoris was played with so persistently that she couldn't help but let out a cry. Then, a viscous and disgusting juice oozes out from her crack. I'm so sorry for her to have accumulated so much filth," he said. I have to perform a ritual to get rid of it." Oyasama's face contorted vulgarly.
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AIを使ってチビッ子を錬成しています。パンチラやイタズラが好き。 【注意】 AI絵特有の破綻についてはある程度加筆修正する時もありますが基本はそのままです。 気になる方はスルーでお願いします。 I use AI to create little kids. I like upskirts and pranks. [Note] I sometimes make some corrections to the imperfections that are typical of AI drawings, but the basics remain the same. If this bothers you, please ignore it.